Thursday, June 2, 2016

Golden Topaz and Synchronicities

Okay, so I went to Mystic Moon today, which is a little local metaphysical shop that sells crystals and candles and stuff like that. It was a sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing. I didn't have any particular reason in mind, I just got the urge to go. Well, I was there, browsing, and kind of seeing if any of the stones would call to me, and I was looking and checking everything out, but I kept going to the Golden Topaz.
Well, I'm still learning about crystals, I know the basics of some of them, the most common ones, but I couldn't remember anything about Topaz. Nothing stuck out in my mind about it, I didn't really know what it could be used for, but they have these little cards by the bowls of crystals that give a short, little brief overview of the stones properties. Anyway, like I said, I was looking around, wanting everything, and I kept going back to the (golden) Topaz. Obviously, this stone was calling to me, but I couldn't help but wonder why. It did say on the little card that Topaz "promotes individuality and creativity" so, I thought, it must be the creativity property. I can always use help with creativity, but I have stones I like to use for that purpose, but, I thought, what the heck, and I went a head and picked out three (for some reason, I like to buy my stones in threes.)
So, I purchase my crystals and I get home and look Topaz up in THE CRYSTAL BIBLE by Judy Hall, which is a sort of crystal guide I use, and I see under the healing properties for Golden Topaz that it "treats the liver, the gallbladder and the endocrine system. "
The endocrine system! That was it! That's why the Golden Topaz stones were calling to me! I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease, which is a disease to do with the thyroid, and I have a radiation procedure coming up for my thyroid, and the thyroid is part of... you guessed it, the endocrine system!
See, you have to pay attention! Life is filled with all kinds of synchronicities, you just have to look, listen and pay attention! 
So, long story short, I now know why I wanted/needed to go to Mystic Moon and why I had to have this particular stone. After I cleanse it (under the full moon), I will set an intention to help with the healing of my thyroid issues.

Namaste' Let it be so.

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