Thursday, June 2, 2016

My Weird Experience

So, it's Sunday, May 29th, just a couple of minutes after midnight. I'm sitting in my living room alone, lights out, curtains drawn, candles lit, when I hear very light tap, tap, tapping at my front door. I get up and ask who it is (never mind looking out the peephole, as I'm way too short to reach it). No answer. More tapping. Again, I call out and ask who it is. Nothing. No answer. Now I'm getting a little freaked out, cause it doesn't take much to get me that way. I'm thinking like, psycho killer, escaped convict and/or mental patient, butcher knife, black-eyed demon children, (you'll know what I'm talking about here if you watch Ancient Aliens. Here's a link) etc., but I crack the door anyway (b/c I know all I have to do is yell and my son and or/significant other will be right there in a split second flat to save me, and besides, that's what all the dumb asses do in the horror movies). I see a little curly-haired, red-headed child about three years old standing there on my door step. He's in diapers and footed jammies and looking up at me and chattering away (even with the nook in his mouth)! I'm like, OMG, beginning to freak out, and I open the screened door to see what the heck is going on. I look him over to make sure he's okay (and to make sure he doesn't have black demon child eyes), and ask if he's alright, and where his mommy is.

I look up and down the street to see if maybe his parents are parked somewhere and maybe the kid got out of the car and just wondered over to my house. No cars with anyone in them as far as I can see. Nobody walking down the street. I'm wondering, where did this child come from, did he just appear out of nowhere? In the meantime, he's just chattering away and pointing down the street. I mean, after the initial shock wore off, I could see that he was fine, he wasn't crying or anything, no blood or bruises or injuries, and I figured he's probably just one of the neighbor kids from down the street who slipped out of the house.

I asked where his mommy was again, and where he lived and he pointed and started walking down the sidewalk. I trotted after him, b/c I don't move that fast, and I was barefooted to boot, and he was going pretty quickly for such a little guy, so I let him take the lead. I wanted to see if everything thing was alright with his parents, because by this time my mind was thinking all kinds of things. You never know, maybe they were hurt, had had an accident, or, God forbid ... *cough, cough* DEAD?

Well, he walked up to a house about 8 or 10 houses from mine. I could see from the sidewalk that the front door was cracked open just a little, wide enough for a three-year-old to slip out of, dim lights lit the living room windows, and when I knocked on the screen door, two little dogs ran out and began jumping around, scratching the screen and going nuts barking but, nobody came to the door. I thought, either someone had to be passed out drunk or really hurt, to not get woke up by those dogs, and once again my mind took off. I started thinking that maybe I should call the police, but just then a young woman came walking out of one of the bedrooms (I know it's a bedroom b/c all the houses on my block are laid out identically), rubbing her eyes, and running her hands over her reddish hair (now I know where the baby got his from). She's looking at me like, who are you, at this point she hasn't seen the baby yet, and I can see she's wondering WTF? but then she see's the child, and sort of a knowing look comes over her face, and she kind of sighs. I'm guessing this is not the first time this baby got out of the house and took off down the block, but if so, you'd think the parents would make sure the door was locked, and with a lock that the child couldn't reach? Anyway, I told her what happened and she mumbled thank-you and I left.

So, the thing is, I can't help but wonder, why did that baby pick my house to come to? It was a little eerie now that I think back on it. The whole neighborhood was unusually quiet and still, just a light little breeze blowing the trees, and nobody around. Cars or people.

My porch light wasn't on, all my lights were off, there was no reason that I could see why a baby (or anyone else) would choose my house over any of the others to walk up to at 12 midnight. I mean I'm glad he DID come to my house instead of going three more houses down to the corner and crossing the side street, or God forbid, two blocks over and into 9 Mile, a busy main street where there was a very good chance he would have gotten hit by a car.

And to beat all, and the reason why I'm wondering about this whole scenario is, these are the same neighbors who about a month ago had complained to me (unreasonably, in my opinion *sniff, sniff*) because I turn around in their driveway? smh

The Lord works in mysterious ways, I guess.

Black-Eyed Children

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